
Posts Tagged ‘happy’

When Giving Up is Okay

In Family, Friends, Mental Well-being, Relationships, Work on August 20, 2013 at 12:10 pm


I’ve always had a thick skin- it’s been my gift and my curse along with my ability to move past situations quickly. People often misconstrued my “gift” as cowardice or having a quitter attitude. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. At a young age I’ve learned to put myself first and if something is supposed to be good for you it doesn’t hurt and constantly cause you to question it. This applies to being stuck in a job that you’re not satisfied with, being in an unfulfilled relationship where your partner does not value your happiness, surrounding yourself with friends who’d prefer your downfall over your success-I could continue with this list. In these situations, I give you permission to quit. Quit continuing ties just for the sake of being in a relationship/having friends when you’re really dissatisfied, quit the drama, quit the questioning, quit wasting valuable time, and quit wondering why you’re not happy all of the time.

“Lovely Day”- Bill Withers

In Uncategorized on May 15, 2012 at 3:30 pm

This is such an awesome song. It always makes me smile. Enjoy!

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